Returns and Complaints

You can make a complaint in two forms:

  • In a written form to our postal address: Keep the Label, ul. Herberta 6b lok. 15, 00-412 Warszawa,
  • In an electronic form to our e-mail address: .

In the complaint please specify:

  • Detailed info on the product you are making the complaint on,
  • Kind and the date of malfunction’s occurrence,
  • Your contact details.

The above stated data are not strictly required, and their lack does not impact the efficiency of the complaint. Yet, providing full data may sped up the complaint process. 

We will handle your complaint within 14 business days.

In case when delivering your product is necessary to handle the complaint, we will ask you to send it to the provided address.


Are you a seller?

Note! You are obliged to publish your own return policy. You decide how much time has the buyer for the possible return of the product he bought from you.


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