Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Part I. Scope of the policy

  1. Paulina Zajdecka-Śliwa, conducting business under the name: Keep the Label Paulina Zajdecka-Śliwa, with its registered office in Koszalin at Nowowiejskiego street 7, lok. 23, 75-587 Koszalin, with tax identification number 1132644663, REGON 141256894, postal address: ul. Herberta 6b lok. 15, 00-412 Warszawa (hereinafter referred to as “Keep the Label”) is the administrator of the personal data of the Users, who are natural persons.  This means that Keep the Label defines the aims and ways of processing the Users personal data on her own and at her personal responsibility. Personal data are all information, which may identify you, for example your first and last name, your e-mail address and your address for delivering the purchases you made at our website. When in this document we refer to the term “process” or “processing”, we mean all actions and operations, conducted on your personal data.
  2. The aim of this Privacy Policy is defining the actions, undertaken by Keep the Label in the area of protecting the personal data, which is processed, as well as collected, via the Internet website, , and related services, undertaken by the Users for executing such actions, as registration, posting or browsing offers, and numerous other actions, connected with the above actions,  related to utilizing the available services by the Users.
  3. Using is only possible after acknowledging the provisions of the hereby Privacy Policy and the Rules and Regulations.

Part II. Processing personal data

Below we have described the most frequent actions, executed on the Users’ personal data, which also means your personal data, while using the Keep the Label services.

  1. The Account’s and profile data: creating a user account may require providing data for identifying the User. Such data may include e.g.: the User’s first and last name and his e-mail address. Depending on the choice made, the Users may reveal other data in their profiles, such as their first and last names, address and picture. In case of signing in to via an external authentication, offered by such subjects as Facebook, Keep the Label acquires only such data as the User’s e-mail address and only for the needs of such signing in.
  2. Transactions: Keep the Label within the frames of may process (e.g. store or analyze) data, constituting the User’s personal data, enabling the Seller and the Buyer to conclude the agreement, sending messages, communication with other Users and making payment for the services, performed by Keep the Label within the
  3. User’s service: Keep the Label within the may collect and otherwise process (e.g. store or analyze) the Users’ personal data, contacting Keep the Label. This data may be essential for communicating with the User (e.g. replying to questions he asked), but also for fulfilling his request.
  4. Data, collected by the website: when it is essential for providing services to the Users or  it constitutes a legitimate interest of Keep the Label or the third parties, (such as ensuring safety it the IT resources or the safety of other Users), Keep the Label is entitled to automatically acquire and register the data, transferred to the server by the website browsers or the Users’ equipment. Such data may include e.g. the IP address, the software and equipment parameters, employed by the User (owing to which we can improve e.g. the quality of the services we offer), the browsed websites, the ID number of the mobile device and other data, concerning the devices and using the systems. Collecting the above data will only take place while using the website.
  5. Completing the acquired data: Keep the Label is entitled to completing the acquired data about the Users with the data, acquired accordingly with the law (for instance, when the User agreed for doing so) from the external parties.

Part III. IP address, cookies

Keep the Label may collect data within the keepthelabel platform through such technologies, as cookies.

Part IV. Using the collected data

  1. Keep the Label processes (e.g. collects, stores, analyzes, etc.) the Keep the Label Users’ data for various reasons, including:

a. maintaining the User’s account and service his transactions, including solving technical problems:

b. setting up and managing the User’s account;

c. enabling full access to the platform;

d. adjusting the categories of the offers;

e. monitoring all and particular activities;

f. contacting the Users in order to provide services, user service, perform permitted marketing activities via the available communication channels, especially the e-mail;

g. conducting research and analyses of the keepthelabel platform;

h. ensuring safety of the provided services via electronic means of communication, including enforcement of compliance with the Rules and Regulations and preventing frauds and malpractice;

i. executing of contracts, concluded within the sales contracts with other Users on;

j. handling complaints;

k. matching the adverts to the previously viewed content;

l. carrying out responsibilities, resulting from the law, including tax and accounting laws;

m. providing payment and recovery services;

n. conducting legal, arbitrary and mediation proceedings;

o. statistic;

p. record;

r. ensuring accountability.

  1. Keep the Label is entitled to store the data, collected and tracked on the keepthelabel platform only for the purpose of carrying out the abovementioned reasons.

Part V. Sharing data

  1. Keep the Label will not transfer to the third parties the Users’ personal data without the consent of the interested users, unless one of the three factors occur:

a. Keep the Label may cooperate with the third parties in order for those parties to provide services for Keep the Label. In such case these parties are not entitled to employ the Users’ personal data on their own behalf (the data will always be processed on behalf of and for the needs of Keep the Label), and their actions are subject to the existing law and hereto Privacy Policy;

b. Keep the Label may share the Users’ personal data with public authorities, also in connection with undergoing proceedings, related to possible violation of law or addressing other possible violations of the Rules and Regulations.

  1. Within the frames of the adopted Privacy Policy Keep the Label undertakes not to sell the Users’ personal data.
  2. The Sellers, to whom the general directive on the data protection applies, after receiving the Buyers’ personal data from Keep the Label, are obliged to fulfill all responsibilities to the Buyers, resulting from this directive and other existing laws, as well as provide the execution of all the powers, resulting from this directive.


The data will be made available to Google for advertising purposes in accordance with the Google policy


Part VI. Control methods on the User’s side

  1. Right to access

You have the right to access your data we process. You can require a copy of your data at any time. You can do it, directly contacting Keep the Label.

  1. The right to erase your data

You have the right to request that we erase your personal data. We will do it on your request, unless there are legal grounds, resulting from e.g., financial laws, which enforce us to further process your personal data. If after receiving your request to erase your data it will turn out we are legally obliged to further process your personal data, we will inform you about it.

  1. The right to limit the processing of data to its storing

At your request we will only limit processing your data to storing. We will then stop to carry out any other actions. If such a need arises, please contact us.

  1. The right to move your data

At your request within a month you will receive from us a file with your data in a structured, commonly used format.

  1. The right to object to data profiling

You can object against profiling. Before you decide to do so, please note that owing to profiling we are able to better match the browsing results and the adverts to your preferences. Therefore, you will be able to shorten the time of searching for the products which interest you, and the displayed adverts will be more suited to your needs.

Part VII. Safety

All information, collected by Keep the Label, are protected by rational technical and organizational means, as well as safety procedures in order to protect it from unauthorized access and usage.

Part VIII. Changes to Privacy Policy

If necessary, Keep the Label can introduce changes to its Privacy Policy.  

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